Thursday, June 25, 2015


Money by the numbers is not going to work. It's not working now. The medical profession has done money by the numbers for a long time. Simply pushing as many people thru a day as they can, and now their lack of attention, their lack of caring is beginning to rebound on them.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Fear is an illusion. It isn't real and yet people have lived by it by its directive for so long. And the fear creates all manner of resistance, that is why people don't want to change very much. 
Even in the letting go of they have made soul decision to pass from the planet, a lot of times the fear makes the passing very difficult, even though the person may be saying "I want to go". 
Fear is causing the resistance which creates a lot of the pain of living in physical form. The resignation to the difficulty of being human.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


The 5th dimension, the causal plane has been considered the place where humans go to dream their future, the next step, the next phase of where things would go. To go in and dream a million dollars, and then energetically to drop it through into the physical realms. But now humanity is living in the frequency, in that energy of the causal plane. So you actually have greater access to your creative potential then humanity has had in thousands of years. So you're closer to God, more connected to your divine inheritance. And the accessibility is so much easier. So much easier in fact that it really worries the ego that accessibility is so easy. So it's also in part integrating the ego. Helping the ego to get comfortable with your expansion. So that ego isn't constantly, like a worrisome child pulling at your shirt tail, "we can't go there, I'm afraid, you can't do that, what would they say"?

Saturday, June 20, 2015


Discovering who you really are is quite a heavy experience.
It really does lift you up, elevate you and allow you to feel how that connection to those higher frequencies where all of humanity is going now. 
The Earth in many places in many ways looks more like hell than anything else, but that is because everything that is not about the highest good is being required to be forgiven, and for people to adjust to the fact that they don't have to work so hard, they don't have to suffer, and certainly do not have to punish or be punished in order to have greater good.