Wednesday, May 28, 2014


An open heart embraces.
An open mind creates magnificently.
When there is resistance not only does it deny the magnificence of the experience,
but it is it disallows the appreciation of the creation.

Sunday, May 18, 2014


Become aware that you still need, require to understand the difference between feeling and emotional reaction because feeling is guided by compassionate objectivity. And emotional reactivation very often has a tendency to lose its focus and get very upset about things not functioning the way you wanted them to. In feeling you will, really begin to understand far more fully what it means to be centered, and not to abandon yourself just as you are about to accomplish something wonderful because you thought it wasn't going right way or you thought it wasn't going fast enough, or you thought.
And it is that as you speak with your brothers in business, in any kind of masculine oriented situation you may find that you are being required to filter the "old orders" perspective in order to gain a clear picture of what your place is in the scheme of things in this time. There are men that are allowing their intuition to guide them more and more but there are also many men that would still go over the same old rhetoric of the patriarchy, that same old rhetoric that has always been "you don't really ask questions, you just do what you're told". So a lot of times no one knows anything because they haven't been really told anything.
And it is any secrets that you find, any one who says "don't say anything about this" simply pay attention because Spirit does not have secrets. Spirit operates in transparency, and even though the world game still seems to be very physical, the transparency is being required by revelation more and more. A teaching of blending the physical world and the spiritual world, and being amazed to find how absolutely compatible they are, rather than one excludes the other, not at all, never did. And there have been those who have discovered that through out time and when they lived the compatibility of Spirit and the physical world they lived the magnificent life - unlimited potential.

Friday, May 16, 2014


In this physical world where doing is the first idea, it is that learning how to let go of doing which is the mind trying to figure out what the next step to take is, getting a solution to a problem. Learning to just allow. When you get still and you stop thinking, thinking, thinking, thinking then the energy begins to flow into connection with your soul, with your Spirit. And that spiritual connection really can perceive a step, oh in the physical world? Yes! The mind wants to make Spirit something that's over there, it's not important to every day affairs, it has absolutely nothing to do with business, it really is only necessary when you want to think about meditation. No, that connection of Spirit and mind is so absolutely uniquely powerful, that when you begin to allow your Spirit to guide your intellect you will be absolutely amazed at revelations that come to you that you would have said you would never be able to come up to that kind of an answer. So letting the mind be informed by Spirit, almost as though the feminine principle begins to be the guide rather than the masculine principle altogether. And the mind has said " but you got to be really logical in this world" and it isn't that Spirit isn't to a certain extent logical but it really is a different energy. And the perception of a Spirit are open in a way that the mind in its limits would not grasp.
And so when you stop trying its as though suddenly you've turned your binoculars around, suddenly you're not looking thru a microscope but thru a telescope.
And oh my God there is so much there that you were missing because the mind wanted to focus on minute details rather than seeing a bigger picture. And it's right where you are. You don't have to go somewhere. Spirit is functioning in your life right where you are. And so to allow yourself to open up, to trust your intuition. The mind will say "intuition?" But then you can feel the energy as the mind is attempting to direct the intuition to go in a certain direction. That isn't intuition, that's called control, and in Spirit there is no control.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


One of the greatest challenges that is occurring on the ball at this time is a great fear around money, that money has so been considered a point of safety and security. That money has so been considered what makes the man so to speak, that there is a great fear in the changing energies that money is going to be taken away, that people are going to be deprived, that there is going to be a loss.
Divine law; money follows joy, but it isn't the joy of having the money, it's joy.
So when you are allowing yourself to really enjoy the life that you're living it's as though prosperity is magnetized into your life, ideas occur that you never thought of, things will happen that you would not have imagined, that begin to increase the financial flow, but it's different. It feels different, it is much more free than hard work and worry over whether there's going to be enough money, the life begins to flow graciously, elegantly and that is what rich really is. Rich is not just how many dollars do I have, but that I feel rich. And the truth is rich isn't about how much money there is, it isn't about amassing, because there are a lot of people that have put a lot of money in the bank, there are millionaires, billionaires and some of them are well with their life and some of them are still frightened. So it really isn't when you get clear about how much money there is as it is that you are willing to live a life that is well provided for, that you allow yourself to live abundantly, and you may find that your logical, practical mind doesn't really understand what abundance is, that it keeps wanting to go back to the need to make more money, and yet if you are earning a living based on a fact that says "there's not enough, I'm working so hard and no matter what I do there's not enough". You're right.
And no matter how much effort you put out, how hard you work , the belief system that there's not enough is the driving force.
Where your thoughts flow is where your creative energy goes, it's what you will manifest.
So feeling fear of not enough, feeling fear of loss, feeling resentment at having to work really hard does not lead you to a point where you are oh yes, eventually I will have enough, it basically keeps you hanging by your fingernails on the edge of a cliff that is labeled not enough. And that cliff may be crumbling under your hands as you're just barely hanging on to the energy of not enough. So it's really getting clear within yourself that you honestly deserve the best. And the best is what makes you comfortable, what brings you joy, what gives you a life of fulfillment . It's is very, very important that you can feel really good about the life that you're living, rather than just barely getting by. And as you think about it you will realize your logical, practical mind doesn't understand how to function in a feeling of safety and security. The mind is all about striving and hard work and not enough and coming up with solutions to have more and make life be abundant. But it isn't about living comfortably, it isn't about having a God life, it isn't about plenty, it's about just barely having enough to get by.
An education in how you are using your energy to achieve the life you desire. Are you fighting to get a better life? then certainly you will fight to keep every little scrap that you might call a better life, but you may find that you don't have enough to really feel good about it.
It is time to really begin to allow yourself to consider your life in a very different way. To feel it in a very different manner.

Sunday, May 11, 2014


Doubt is something to really be considered, because the ego loves to present doubt. The ego loves to encourage worry. And it is that certainly in the energy of these times there is if you would an undercurrent of fear on the planet. A lot of it is really old, it's things from other times but they require to be dealt with, but they create that sense of fear, that underlaying something dreadful may happen here. And so to really trust you are cared for, you are protected, you are loved and to live it, rather than saying alright I know I'm safe I know I'm protected but. Because the yes but, and the what if and is it possible that something really could come out of this, those doubts really are energetic magnets. So to really let it go, not just intellectually but let go as best you can of any feelings of concern. This is as much as anything else a lesson in faith; to really trust that you are indeed cared for.

Monday, May 5, 2014


The punishments of the churches; you are unworthy, God does not deem you good enough, you don't deserve that. And no man has a right to tell another man that he is unworthy. And those who would deem to do such a thing are simply devastated within themselves by the fear of their own incapacity. The ego says I must make you believe you're less so that I can tell you I am more.
But a master knows by divine law if I would dare to tell you that you are less then I have just diminished myself also.


As humanity entered the illusion and started believing that in the illusion there was required a whole new set of rules then things changed, and now it is time for them to return. Not to go back, but to go forward connected into this understanding that divine law has always governed this. Even though humanity may have diluted themselves into believing that they were actually in control. And as you live beyond the illusion, as you feel beyond the illusion, as you recognize not by leaving yourself and going out there to look, but by understanding your connection to the reality of all things within you. One reason so many "small" laws were made was because the egoic mind is absolutely terrified of responsibility, even though it preaches responsibility. It doesn't really want to be responsible. It talks about responsibility and then spends it's time trying to find someone else to be responsible. Mastery is response-able.
It isn't burdened with everything that you must do, it is filled with a joyous ability to respond to the magnificence of what life has to offer.

Sunday, May 4, 2014


Coming to center, learning by energy to live the love. Being true and faithful to yourself, which isn't a denial of being true and faithful to others. When you are really true and faithful to yourself then you are faithful to everyone. You are trust-worthy. When you trust you everyone else will. When you don't trust you there will be some that will trust because they will give their power away to anyone, but there will be many who will feel the difference and will know even though they may not know exactly why they will feel this is not a trustworthy energy.

Friday, May 2, 2014


In order to live mastery, there is required to be a forgiveness of exclusion. "I only want these people to feel the benefit of my blessing, I'm not going to bless everyone". Whatever any master would deny to anyone else they deny themselves. And as you live your mastery truly, you begin to recognize energetically just how it feels to deny something to someone else and realize that you just deprived yourself of that same essence. And in the illusion humanity have come to a point of believing " I can do anything I want as long as I get away with it, if I don't get caught then it's just fine". But you are caught. Energetically, instantly you are caught. And you know it, even if the whole world believed that it was not true that you were caught, you would know if you were. There is no hiding place down here any longer anywhere. No hole big enough, deep enough, no escape across dimensional frequencies. There really is less and less capability of perpetrating what humanity has called "evil". Because evil is simply live spelled backward, and when you live your life you are not attending to evil. And when you are attending to evil then you're really not living.
It's really rather simple, and it's all about the power of energy. And how anyone chooses to use it. But it is to be absolutely clear about the divine laws in the game, because the mind wants to make it's own rules and in the illusion, in the game of separation the mind just decided that if it didn't like the rules God set up, they can make different ones. And God allowed that contract to function for the duration and now the contract has ended. And I don't like divine law so I'm going to make my own is not going to function that well any longer. Which is an absolute bottom line reason why business as usual can't continue to function the way it had because the bottom line on a great deal of business on this planet had been I can do anything I can get away with, I can do anything I'm big enough to do, and it's not working any more. And there are those who still believe it is, and they are attempting to conduct themselves as though the laws they made are far more powerful and greater than God"s laws. But it isn't working and it will work less and less well.

Thursday, May 1, 2014


Those who are still standing on tiptoe reaching out into an unknown future are going to continue to live out of balance, but coming home to yourself, living inside of you where your own creative ability begins, so that you are indeed in dominion, in authority over your own affairs because you're right there with you. You're not back in the past regretting something that happened and wanting to repair it, you're not out in the future bemoaning that you can't achieve what the future holds yet. Now, right now in this moment, in the present it's a gift, that's why it's called the present. Right now is where any master creates their now and their future nows. And the moment the word now is spoken it moves to the next now. So as now is said what you were thinking, considering in the last now moves you closer to the future now that you were considering. And now, and now, and now within you and paying attention to how the life is unfolding, pay attention to the gifts that you have asked for and how they come because truly in the energy of these times if you are willing to accept that you are the creator then you will see manifestations come about so quickly that you can't miss it. You absolutely could never deny that you were the one who created it because you thought it and it happened. And the ego wants to dismiss the small things "oh that was nothing, so I thought of an old friend and they called, that can be a coincidence" yes it is but never over look the coincidences, they are proof of your mastery, they are definitely not "nothing". There are many that say "God is no thing" and yet, God is an absolute not an abstract.