Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Living in higher consciousness opens many doors in the physical, practical world and logic says "magik doesn't exist" and spirit says "if you live the magik, it absolutely exist but you have to be where it is" and that means you're required to raise your frequency to be open to living in that "different" essence than where you have experienced life up to this point in time. This is really opening doors to the "ancient" what you haven't known in so long that it seems brand new, and yet you are reconnecting with all that you have been before in other times, the very best of your being-ness, and so this is a magnificent opportunity because anytime you work with the odds of any kind you will open those gateways to the higher consciousness and it will make many things available to you that you have not accessed in many lifetimes. A potential for a whole new experience.

Monday, April 28, 2014


Allowing is not just saying "I allow" this has been the issue because in the illusion the logical, practical mind had kept many divine laws in a place of abstract, where "oh it sounds wonderful, but not for I, everyone else has this but I can't" and it is to allow really is an energetic shift that occurs in the center of your being, and until you allow you can't possibly imagine what that would be, and when you allow it is as though something physically shifts, it's energy in the center, maybe even in your brain because when you open those neuron pathways that have been shut down you really will experience it as a physical and emotional and energetic shift that is noticeable, it may be subtle but it will definitely be noticeable. And the trick is if you would you can't make it happen. It can only be allowed. So if someone says alright I'm going to allow and they hunch their shoulders and furrow their brows and think really, really hard it drives the energy away because force and control (hard energy) simply have no place in the spiritual realms and living the magik is allowing that spiritual essence to operate fully in every aspect of your daily affairs. And so you can't try to allow. It really is required to an acceptance that allowing is safe, that you are alright with the vulnerability of allowing. There have been many issues that have been tangled into the idea of prosperity and so forgiving old judgements about allowing: what would happen? What is the price that must be paid? And you may actually find some of those laws in the lineage issues, what you have been taught either actually someone has said to you this is how it is or you have as a youth growing up overheard adults speaking about the limits of prosperity "everyone wants it but only so few are actually allowed to have it" and so forgiving the belief systems that have been encoded in the ideas of prosperity and allowing and pay attention when you think of the word allowing what do you feel in your solar plexus because if you are considering allowing and you feel your belly tighten then that is an energetic gate that was just closed against the full allowing, you might allow a little bit, but you certainly won't fully allow if your solar plexus is in a knot over allowing. So it is body, mind, emotions and the magik is how your spirit comes to assist you in all of that.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Any control, any "I figured out how this should work" and "this is what everyone has to do for my idea to work" has a total disregard for free will. There are brilliant religious minds, secular minds that are coming up with all manner of solution on the planet of how everyone else should do what I think is right, but they're never going to work because they do not honor divine law. The entity or group they actually point to scripture and say "but it says here" and the truth of it is that the logical practical mind has manipulated a lot of the scriptures throughout time to prove what they desired to prove. So even with scripture there must be an approach of discernment. It isn't about this is an authority so I can trust it and not even consider because there are people that will be more than willing to assure you that they are an authority so that you will listen what they have to say. And there are so many people that really don't have to want to think about things very much, so if you tell them you're an authority then they will do what you say, and then they can blame you if it doesn't work. Isn't that wonderful? They have no responsibility in it whatsoever. So it is that it doesn't really matter what wonderful solutions one entity is coming up with for everyone else. This is a planet, honestly of masters, and it is time for each and everyone to remember who they are. It is no longer for any of them to be told who they are "let me tell you who you are, and then you live that way".  These who would devise solutions "and you just follow my program" are truly not considering that others are masters. They are really so caught up within themselves "I am a master, and these are sheeple, and I need to tell the sheeple what they need to do" operative word being "need". And yes, in the latter days, the master book even warned about "false prophets" that there will be many that will be gloom and doomers, naysayers, doomsdayers and there are those who will jump on their bandwagon so to speak. But it is feel within yourself how the energy is moving towards greater good. And war and conflict is no longer any one's greater good, and it is not accomplishing the outcomes that humanity has been told it would. War is beginning to be revealed as deadly destructive, taking the life whether they actually die or whether they just have their joy removed from so many warriors that there is not enough heroism or enough medals to make them feel that it's just fine, that their body was mamed, that their psyche was tortured , and so it is war is no longer a viable option in these times. There are still war mongers, and there will be still for quite some time, but war is no longer a viable energy on the planet. And those who turn to war as the solution are going to find that they are living in the hell that war creates. Wherever you put your focus, that is where the energy, the creative force of your life will go.  So no one group or person can come up with a viable option for everyone on the planet unless they are willing to completely step away from any need to control or to be the one who dictates. Because that is a war game. And the head of victor in battle never sleeps any easier on the pillow than the head of the victim. Because the victor knows in the old energy of war that the victim is plotting and planning to find a way to get rid of this temporary victor. And so as you read the his-story of the planet one war after another, it is always someone doing battle to be the next ruler. And the energy of revelation is: you are the ruler, you have dominion over your own life and affairs, and no one other than God has dominion in your life. And God is not some abstract deity that no one knows where God went . God sits enthroned in solar plex of every human being on the planet in absolute love without a condition.


There are crusaders who believe that their purpose on the planet is to stop violence, but they are so angry about violence that they within themselves are as violent or more so than those that they are attempting to stop.
God does not have an army. And is not going to beat down the humanity anymore than it's beaten itself down to assure that the planet will become peaceful.
That is totally out of alignment with how love creates.

Monday, April 21, 2014


The violence has been a tool of the illusion.
It really has no position, no power, no place in love.
And the more that the planet is shifting its consciousness away from aggression as a way to achieve in life the more that non violence will become the way of being but one can not force others to be non violent. So when someone is standing on a soap box shouting at another "you got to be non violent" then it is they within themselves are making their own war, because non violence includes honoring the free will of others. So all manner of control really has to be forgiven in order for anyone to live a non violent life. If there is some inner battle going on, any kind of war games going on, any kind of "look what they did to me" or "I've got to stop them" or "how could they do that" all of that is a form of violence, and mainly the energy of that kind of thought is turned against self, so that the person who is attempting to stop the violence very often finds themselves engaged in some very violent situation trying to stop violence because their energy is directed toward the violence and ending it rather than towards peace and manifesting it.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


The judgements of the world require to be forgiven, because how it was, the teaching of lineage, the instructions of collective groups of people "this is our history and this is how things must be done". And a lot of people are afraid as things are changing a lot of the old values will be lost, but it's time to really consider is there value in this value?
Does it really value anyone?
Or is just a prescription by the egoic mind that has been followed thru history and it requires to be released, forgiven, as there are better, clearer, more appropriate and very often much more loving ways to be of assistance.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


To everything there is a season and a purpose to all things under heaven.
And the logical, practical mind has made rules and regulations that totally override that consciousness, and yet divine law still is always final law.
And so when it is not your season to be able to give in a certain way it doesn't make you worse.
What really creates complications is when people judge themselves in some manner inadequate because they're not in "a season" for providing. There are times when you receive and there are times when you give until you get very clear that as you are willing to allow yourself to be fulfilled in the sharing and then you begin to realize it isn't about giving away everything you have till you're empty, and it isn't about always receiving till you're full. It is the very act of allowing yourself to receive graciously also activates the ability to be filled up to overflowing so that you can share with others. And sometimes the kindest thing you can do for those you love is nothing, so that they would come to understand their own mastery. And it isn't to try to teach them nearly so much as it is hold a loving intention that they gain within themselves in these changing times a greater understanding.

Monday, April 14, 2014


These games of fear that the world has played are also a way that some technologies are now tracking people by their brainwaves, they track the fears. It may not be at all personal, they're simply tracking brainwaves of fear, but it will lead them to fearful people. And fearful people, very often are much easier to control than those who are very align with themselves.
To get very clear that yes, the games of technology get finer tuned all of the time. Some of them are exceptionally wonderful, and they can be a great assistance to humanity and others are exceptionally low vibration. And so to keep your energy up, to keep your vibrations high. And if you discover that they have dropped, then make a consorted effort to rise them up again. Keep yourself in an aligned energy frequency with the 5th dimension. In that 5th dimensional consciousness there is a sense of peaceful joy, there is a sense of awareness of self, of clear consciousness that simply can not be manufactured by the mind because the mind does not have the resources to appreciate the higher levels of awareness that the spiritual evolution is calling for. The finite mind is a information gatherer, it is a computer store house, it has certain programs that say "and this is what you do with the information" but when it comes to spiritual evolution the finite mind does not have the properties to contemplate higher level awareness until, and this is the important piece, it is programmed by information that is shared with it by the solar plexus, the seat of the soul, where higher consciousness is a natural connection. So in the world but not of it. The master book talks about it, the master Jesus thought about it. It is how to operate in physicality but not be entrapped, ensnared by what physicality has designed itself to be in these times.

Sunday, April 13, 2014


The violet flame is about spiritual alchemy.
It is about translating any form of negative energy into higher consciousness. As you utilize the violet flame everyday and it isn't that you constantly have to be saying it, saying it. When you rise up in the morning simply surround yourself with the white light, the violet flame, the blue light of lord Michael as you would dress yourself, it simply a part of your preparing for the day, and it is such a powerful protection that it has been used by yogis in India for thousands of years, it has been scientifically proven to be extremely powerful. So using it to protect yourself, not against as much as to align you with all things that will be for you.