Thursday, September 5, 2013


The mind is being opened and expanded.
And the changes in the consciousness are vast.
And those that would allow the shifts will find themselves operating in energies that are more refined, more comfortable, more beautiful. more expanded, more prosperous with greater wellness and more abundant prosperity. But it will not be gathered by forcing things to happen, and it certainly will not be accomplished by looking back at the past to create the future, because we are moving toward a future that has absolutely nothing to do with any past we've ever known.
And logic can't grasp that. "What do you mean we're moving toward a future that has absolutely nothing to do with the past, we have always created were we are going by where we have been, you have to " logic says.
No, we don't!
So to spend time with your inner selves and discovering the amazement of your own internal functions. How exciting! How amazing you are!
To get comfortable with the dynamics of your own selfhood.
How vast you are.
How grand you are.
How wondrous you are.
How accomplished you are.
And as you feel it, rather than just thinking about it, the greatness that you have allowed yourself to consider about yourself, is so small in comparising to the truth of who you really are.
And so to open yourself up to really embrace the truth of all that you are energetically.
That will blow your mind!

Monday, September 2, 2013


There are the gloom and doomers that want to believe that everything is just going to come to an end.
And they offer as their point of reference; there is a lot of challenge going on the planet at this time, there are a lot of difficulties occurring on all levels. And so, they want to say this is where everything is going. Now it isn't!
But that's what logic does, because logic has a tendency to figure things out according to the worst possible outcome.
The Earth is shifting into a higher frequency, and since logic can not imagine that things could change because of a higher level of frequency, then the only logical thing that you could figure out is that you've go to go somewhere else, you can't have it be here, because this is such a mess. And logic has already decided that the only way you could possibly deal with all of this is just to destroy the planet and start over again. Of course, logic always tends to get caught up in its own smallness, so the fact that no one here really has the miraculous wisdom of how to create a whole new planet if they destroy it is beside the point.
Right now everything is changing, it's moving to a new perspective, it's becoming different, it is moving to a whole new level of higher conscoiusness.
Nothing is as it appears to be. But logic has gotten caught up in it's own boxes, and it really tends to think very small.
When one is willing to go withing themselves and allow the soul to guide the intellect can things go where they're supposed to. For the intellect is brilliant, it has its limits, where Spirit has no limits.
Because religion tends to define itself from an intellectual process, religion can not open itself up enough to embrace Spirit. And therefore, most of the religions and religious tenants on the planet have been minimized by the logic.
Now they were grand works in the beginning, they were amazingly vast. they held principles that would boggle intellect. They were ideas and teaching that were so amazing, so pure, so sweet that the intellect couldn't even grasp it. And especially in the US there has been such a tendency to give the people the idea that they are in charge, and then take it all away in fear.
And so in this country, there has been a lot of determination to hold people in small place by the thoughts and ideas that they would pay a horrendous price if they did not obey God.
And God, that is set up as the one to follow, very often is a God designed by logical mind.
And therefore, there's great limitations.
And so, everything is being required to stretch, to shift, to change, to expand, and to be viewed from a totally new vantage point.
As things move, there will be records that are kept in certain of pyramids that would totally up-end how humanity has believed that things function on this planet, how religions have attempted to prove that they have absolutely the most righteous way of dealing with whatever is going on.
And it is, when things begin to change of how it was doesn't work, then the fear that opens up in the hearts and minds of the people causes them to want to grasp the old. Attempting to hold on desperately to the past, as though it was something that could not be lived without.
And yet, everything is changing now in this time. And those that attempt to grapple to stand on the ground they have known before will feel as though they are standing on quicksand, because it won't hold them. Those that have attempted to demonstrate they have righteousness by certain points of logic will find that those points of logic are turning to dust as they are using them as a reference.


Fighting what is occurring will actually assist nothing.
Because there are already many battles going on. And so those that even fight for causes, are still engaging themselves in war activities. And even those they can say "the reason for my fight is very worthy", it's still a battle. And the Earth is reacting to all of the anger, hatred and war that is going on on her surface. For people do not realize how absolutely powerful their energy is, how much influence their thoughts have.
A great deal of the upset of the balance of the ecology of the planet comes from poor emotional ecology. Much more that it does poor physical ecology.
What can you do for your planet?
Hold an intention for the highest and best good of every being on this ball and hold it clearly. Hold it without judgement or reservation. And that is going to have a great influence, even though the ego may say " but what can one person do?" One person can change the destiny of the world, if they are willing to put it forth, that power of love. A 1000 like minded beings would have such a magnetic influence that what they would accomplish would appear almost magical.
The more that you hold an intention in love, to bless the Earth and all of her people in these times of dramatic change, the more you can know, form the Lord God of your being that you are giving one of the greatest blessings you possibly could.

Sunday, September 1, 2013


The changes are quite dramatic for each one, and therefore because they are so uniquely personal it is rather difficult to define exactly what is happening.
Certainly the wars that are going on on the planet are the last effort of the egoic elements to prevent humanity from achieving the overcoming in these times.
It is that the battles that are going on in the world: the old order attempting to draw the energy of the planet one more time into conflict and separation, rather than into overcoming. And so each person within themselves is being challenged.
Where will you put your focus?
Where would you put your attention?
Where would you put your power?
And many are so numb by the old way. They would say: "loyalty no matter what it is the most important thing" and yet where would that loyalty be? and where would that loyalty be focused? and to what are they being loyal?
There are those that would not give a thought to how they feel in their solar plexus about the all things that are going on in these times indeed. Many more are waking up. The awakening is very powerful. The awakening is happening in everyone, even those that seem to be the most resistant are experiencing in these times the awakening.
As you feel the changes within yourself, that the energy is different, that you don't think as you once did, that you don't even feel as you once did about many things and therefore those subtle changes that you're experiencing are calling you to look at life differently. Almost at times as though it isn't your effort, but that you are being upheld or supported to feel differently about the way your life is going or how you would conduct your affairs.
And those changes are occurring in everyone.
Humanity has prayed to have the power back, to be more who truly they are. And yet it is as that those opportunities are occurring, people find they are afraid cause they can not control the changes.
And no one ever said you would be able to control the changes, only that they are indeed coming with the greatest of love.
 Many of the Earth's changes and their great violence have been altered over the past 20 years by the amount of love that has been:
1.Funneled into the planet from the higher planes, and 2. Accepted by those that are here.
And so yes, there are Earth's changes,, and some of them definitely  appear to be quite dramatic. They could have been much worse, without the greater influence of love.
And so the earthquakes, the floods, the fires, powerful winds, changes in the climatory conditions, all of these things certainly are a part of the shift that are going on in this time.
Those things will continue to happen, and yet when you look at how few lives are lost, then you know how absolutely protected in love you are.
The Earth is changing. The old order that has existed on this planet is ending. The Earth herself is not dying, she is not coming to an end.
There are many that would say there will be new Earth. And it is, yes it will be for those who change their consciousness, as they lift their vibrational frequency , they will live on the same ball with those who have not yet. And yet those who have accomplished the higher consciousness will live in such an energy that those who are still in conflict would not affect them. They would have no direct influence on your power in this place.
The new Earth is created by new thought. And it would definitely feel as though you're living on a different planet, cause right now in this moment, if you set an intention that you were going to call for everything in your world to be better, to be sweeter, but you would pick one thing in particular. Let us say that you decide that you want to see the oceans cleaner, that you want to see the ecology of the waters cleaner, and so you begin to hold that focused attention on the ocean, and you may begin to notice that the color changes, that the smell seems to freshen, that there is a different energy that you feel around the water , and you may be delighted with the outcome of your intention only to hear someone else say "look how dirty the water is". Because they haven't shifted their consciousness and
consequently they are still seeing the way it is in their places, rather the way it is in your places.
It does not mean you failed, it simply means you changed your world. And that is the only energy you can directly influence. You can hold an intention for others to change their consciousness, but you can't make them.
As you practice holding an intention for positive change for the planet where you live, then you will begin to change the energy of the whole planet.
For the love of the planet, to hold a conscious intention for her ongoing, that is why you are here.