Sunday, June 16, 2024


 In the energy of so much dissociation in humanity, they can not be who they were before and they’re not where they’re going yet and so this sense of imbalance, trauma to the nervous system is affecting humanity, it’s affecting animals and it’s effecting the energy of even technology. Those that are making the changes have a lot of fear because there’s such a different feel to things. The world feels different, their inner energy feels different. Many are afraid they’re losing their mind and certainly the animal kingdom is responding to a lot of emotional conflict on the planet. There have been prognostications of how the animal will begin to respond to the human emotions and the animals will become more fierce and more frantic and more conflicted until people begin to be willing to accept the fact that the emotions that are being felt and expressed, even if they’re not being spoken of, if someone is caring a lot of emotional stress of the stress about the changes they broadcast it out in their auric field. So wherever you stand in a radius around you your influence has impact. Humanity has attributes from the Divine that nature in its animal places does not necessarily need to, but in the new evolution even the animals will reach a higher level of intelligence and wisdom 

Tuesday, May 28, 2024


 Receiving is magnificently common issue on this planet, people are being thought by religion, by society , by rich. You give whatever you got, give til it hurts, give it all away, but it is not a lot are you going to hear from the pulpits of the world about, yes God loves a cheerful giver but God adores a gracious receiver also and you’re not going to hear a great deal about that, no one is going to teach a class on receptivity. More than likely you’ll hear that if you’re comfortable with receiving than you’re a taker or you’re grabby or you’re greedy or whatever the judgments are. Finding in those inner blockages and releasing the fear of being open to receive and give because sharing is what unconditional love is all about, sharing giving and receiving. But it’s come to taking and aching. So learning within yourself in love with you to be comfortable, pay attention cause Spirit is constantly giving gifts ,they may be small they may be relatively unnoticeable if you’re not paying attention and yet they come. It may be a compliment that’s not expected, it may be a small gift, it may be someone sharing something physically, emotionally,, spiritually that they haven’t shared with anyone else, that’s a gift.

Friday, May 3, 2024


 The soul recognition is becoming more and more of the universal love, that you meet people and you feel them as though they’ve always been there or they are.a part of you because you’re not meeting anyone you haven’t known before. Every soul you connect with in this journey is someone that you’ve loved, that you have been friends with, perhaps that you have issues with, even some are meeting those they hate for the healing, for the balance.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024


 See feel, experience feel it as an energy that is tangible to you “I am living in a glorious, vital glowing vehicle, my body is well and healthy, and I respond to any treatment necessary with excellent results”. Because the logical mind wants to focus on what’s wrong and how to get rid of it, how to change it and it so as long as you focus on what’s wrong that’s the seed you’re sowing in your psyche. Moving to the place where you are contributing to your own well being with positive affirmation, not only I say it or I think it but I feel it, I accept it, I own the positives and forgive moving to the place of any kind of negatives, because whatever you put out whatever you’re focusing on magnifies. So the more you focus on trying to get well the more you block the healing potential Spirit would bring you

Thursday, April 25, 2024


 Love. the logical mind has turned love into a romantic notion or a fantasy that can’t be obtained, or something that is always in a land far far away but love is here and now it abides in each and everyone no matter the presentation they’re making, love is there. They may be attempting to thwart it, hide it, bury it but it’s there. A lot of times the logical mind has twisted it just enough that there is rules and laws and should nots and musts and all of those things take the energy away from a pure alignment with self. Loving yourself, not because or is spite of but loving yourself and finding amazingly just how much there is to love. For the logical mind can point out flaws and mistakes and make people feel really terrible about themselves when they’re growing and therefore they’re going to not always be right, and that’s part of a learning experience.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024


 The mind wants to do things fast, it wants to get things done quickly and if you really stop and consider, look at the world people are trying to get things to move so they can get on to the next thing, and really there is no “there” that anybody is going to achieve I’ll get there quicker than they do. No because there is really no there, you may achieve some outcome before someone else but it doesn’t guarantee that the outcome you achieve is going to be for the highest good of all concerned because when you’re in a hurry you’re not listening to Spirit, you’re listening to the ego mind.

Thursday, April 11, 2024


 If you are willing to heal deep within you, if you are willing to change because as you heal you’re not going to be the same you’ve been, you’re going to be more and the logical mind in many ways has programmed humanity to fear the healing almost as much as they fear the disease because there is an inner understanding I can’t heal and stay the same. Being willing to let go of the belief systems even the proof that the logical mind has that this won’t work or that can’t help, the ego loves it, it absolutely adores resistance because it will keep the individual from moving on and the ego says “gotcha”. So everyone on the planet is being confronted with this, it’s one of the many aspects of all of the chaos that people are experiencing the fear the doubt, the fear of loss, and yet in some ways the fear of gain also, because as you change it gets better and logic has very thoroughly set about attempting to convince humanity it can’t get any better, it can always get worse but it can’t get any better. So the courage, the faith to let go of those belief systems that have even been proven, but they were proven because of something that did not release yet within you, it doesn’t make you a good person or a bad person it simply in many ways bottom line means you’re trying too hard. And when you’re working with universal energy the less you try the easier it is.